A Brighter Way to Do Events

Function Rooms

450 guests? That’s an event fit for our expansive Ballroom, while our VIP lounge is ideal for hosting cocktails or Chinese banquets for up to 300 guests. For smaller corporate events of up to 20 delegates, you’ll find that our 15 VIP Skyboxes overlooking the spectacular Thunder Castle Stadium offer a unique setting and the ultimate Buriram United experience.

In whichever room you choose to hold your event, the hi-tech, audio-visual equipment will have it sounding and looking the part. There’s really nothing for you to do but approve decisions and turn up to enjoy the day. Just the way it should be.

Spacious Setting


面積: N/A | 最大収容人数: 450

  • 宴会300
  • Buffet300
  • 歓迎会450
VIP Lounge
Spacious Setting

VIP Lounge

面積: N/A | 最大収容人数: 120

  • 宴会90
  • Buffet90
  • 歓迎会120
VIP Skybox
Event Space

VIP Skybox

面積: N/A | 最大収容人数: 20

  • 会議室20
アマリ ブリーラム ユナイテッド

444 Moo 15, Buriram-Prakhonchai Road, Muang Buriram, Buriram 31000 Thailand


電話番号: +66 4411 1444
ファックス: +66 4411 1468

  • 無料Wi-Fi
  • 24時間対応フロントデスク
  • ランドリーとドライクリーニング (別料金適用)

We kindly request you present the physical credit card used for booking upon arrival
visa master americanexpress unionpay jcb wechatchina alipaychina